reps diciembre 1, 2016

Entre los próximos 29 de junio y 1 de julio de 2017 tendrá lugar el congreso anual de la Society for the Advancement of the Socio-Economics (SASE) en Lyon (Francia) y que este año tratará de responder a «What’s Next? Disruptive/Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual?».

María C. González Menéndez co-organizará, junto con Phil Almond, Peter Fairbrother, Christian Levesque y Gregor Murray, una de las mini-conferencias que tendrán lugar durante el congreso: Disruption and Experimentation in the Regulation of Work and Employment

«This mini-conference is concerned with disruptions to established patterns of the regulation of work and employment, and with how social actors are attempting to respond to these disruptions through various forms of institutional experimentation.  Our aim is to bring together a wide range of contributions, analysing social actors’ adaptation to disruptive change across a number of fault-lines and geographical spaces. This will allow us to build a more generalised picture of the scope of institutional experimentation, and whether and how experimental practices can meet the challenge of responding to disruptive change in ways that support worker wellbeing, social cohesion, and sustainability.

We are interested in contributions which address how social actors have attempted to innovate across one or more of the following ‘fault lines’:

Technologically-driven disruption, notably the dematerialisation of work through technological intermediation, and technologically-driven disruptions to organisation form which challenge existing patterns of work regulation.

The unbundling of the organisation, including the various forms of reorganisation of the internal and external boundaries of the firm (or public sector employer), outsourcing, and the increasing separation between lead organisation and the responsibility for working conditions.

The reconfiguration of global production networks, including the ways in which place competition within global production networks challenges national regulation, and the problems and possibilities of transnational regulation.

Shifts in identity, solidarity and values, including the challenge in reconstituting, and finding new forms, of collective identity and solidarity across labour markets which are multiply segmented (by gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) and characterised by multiple forms of precariousness.

How the challenge of climate change, and the demands of sustainable development, can cohere with the promotion of decent jobs and worker security

Reconfigurations of the role of the state, and attempts to build counter-narratives responding to the subordination of social protection to the neo-liberal project

We seek papers which go beyond elucidating the nature of these fault-lines, and which seek to analyse how social actors (at local, regional, national or transnational levels) attempt to build new institutions, or reconfigure existing ones, in response to these challenges. We are particularly interested in how social actors use existing identities in these processes, and with how social learning develops within and between actors seeking to experiment. We also specifically welcome papers which examine and problematise the international transfer of policy ideas which necessitate institutional experimentation in recipient countries.»

Toda la información sobre las mini-conferencias.

Fecha limite envio de abstracts: 3 febrero 2017

Fecha límite envío de papers: 12 mayo 2017

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