
REPS septiembre 1, 2020

3 September 2020, 14h-15h30 Brussels time Until recently the analysis of social welfare systems in Europe was totally disconnected from ecological concerns and policies. But the recognition that both areas are interlinked is gradually taking the upper hand. Environmental policies have important social impacts and social and welfare policies have environmental impacts and could mitigate […]

REPS noviembre 11, 2018

«4th Transforming Care Conference – Copenhagen. Changing priorities: The making of care policy and practices»    24-26 June 2019. Call for Papers open Information about Thematic panels (TP) of the Transforming Care Conference 2019 and other general information: We also invite scholars to express their interest in submitting an abstract to thematic panels 11 & 12 organized by […]

REPS octubre 24, 2018

El Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Oviedo ofrece una plaza de contratado predoctoral (antiguo programa FPI) vinculada al proyecto BIENESTAR OCUPACIONAL EN ESPAÑA: SITUACION, DETERMINANTES Y EFECTOS (CSO2017-82648-R). El beneficiario/a se integraría en el Grupo de Investigación Promoviendo el Empleo y el Bienestar en Europa (PROMEBI) para desarrollar su tesis doctoral. El plazo de presentación […]