reps mayo 19, 2016

Department of Sociology, University of Oviedo July 4-8, 2016

The traditional fragmentation of research on employment and social protection has been reduced considerably during the last years. In fact, an increase in both quantity and quality of studies analyzing tensions between work and welfare has taken place, with the aim of identifying the institutional framework of both spheres that best interact among each other and of orienting the design of those policies able to resolve tensions. At a European scale, the objective of improving theoretical, empirical and applied knowledge constitutes a substantial piece of the necessary renovation of the European integration project itself.

The main goal of this Summer School is to make participants familiar with recent and high quality research developments in the field of employment and welfare interactions. The school offers lectures with discussions by renowned international scholars, with prior reading assignments. The participants will be also required to present and discuss their research project (e.g. postgraduate research proposal, in-progress or finished paper).

The school is organised by the research team PROMEBI (Promoviendo el empleo y el bienestar en Europa/Promoting employment and welfare in Europe) at the University of Oviedo, in coordination with the Spanish Network of Social Policy (REPS). Profs. Rodolfo Gutiérrez and Ana M. Guillen are the academic directors, and Vanesa Rodriguez the academic secretary.
